Vitamin K2-MK4:
The Grass-Fed Vitamin
and an Activator Vitamin

by Jon Sasmor RCPC (Mineral Guide, MinBalance LLC)
Updated September 3, 2022


Vitamin K2-MK4: Crucial to Your Mineral Balance

Vitamin K2-MK4 is found mainly in high-fat, grass-fed, animal foods. The modern switch from grass- to grain-fed animal foods has unleashed widespread, almost universal deficiency of the Grass-Fed Vitamin, vitamin K2-MK4 (menaquinone-4).

We need vitamin K2-MK4 to send calcium to the correct places. But often we don't get enough K2-MK4. The lack of K2-MK4 can lead to calcification of arteries and soft tissues, and to loss of bone calcium. These present serious issues for many people today.

The Grass-Fed Vitamin activates:

  • decalcification of the soft tissues and
  • calcification of the bones and teeth.

K2-MK4 can help restore your mineral balance. It clears calcium from the wrong places and puts calcium into the right places. Sources of the Grass-Fed Vitamin are included in the recommended Diet for Minerals, a diet made from organic, ancestral, whole foods.

Vitamin K2-MK4 deficiency may play a primary role in common mineral imbalances we see today, including unprecedented prevalence of imbalanced oxidation, lack of bioavailable copper, iron overload, and four lows mineral patterns.

The Grass-Fed Vitamin

We call the MK4 subform of vitamin K2 the Grass-Fed Vitamin because meat, milk, eggs, and fat from pasture-raised or grass-fed animals provide the main source of K2-MK4. These animals convert the vitamin K1 in the grass into vitamin K2-MK4. (See Rhéaume-Bleue, 2011, p. 41 for first known usage of the term "The Grass-Fed Vitamin" to describe vitamin K2. More specifically, "The Grass-Fed Vitamin" here refers to K2-MK4, the form of vitamin K2 made by animals eating grass.)

When we eat grass-fed animal foods, we benefit from the Grass-Fed Vitamin. K2-MK4 benefits heart, bones, brain, immunity, blood sugar, and more, as discussed below.

Because of the switch in the 1900s from eating grass-fed to grain-fed animals, deficiency of K2-MK4 has become extremely widespread. You are especially likely to be deficient in vitamin K2-MK4 if you live in a modern, industrialized country and don't eat grass-fed animal foods.

Vegans are likely to get nearly zero K2-MK4, unless they take a supplement. Vegetarians may get little to no K2-MK4, depending on how much eggs and cheese they eat, and which kinds of cheeses. Also, most omnivores eating grain-fed animal foods are "functional vegetarians" in the sense that their diets usually are almost devoid of the Grass-Fed Vitamin.

Benefits: What Vitamin K2-MK4 Does

  • Bones: puts calcium into bones (activates osteocalcin, also called Bone Gla Protein)
  • Arteries: reduces arterial stiffness and removes calcium plaques from arteries (activates MGP, Matrix Gla Protein)
  • Heart: removes calcium deposits from heart valves and heart microcirculation (Hariri et al., 2021)
  • Enzymes: activates certain "vitamin K-dependent proteins" signaled by vitamins A & D; adds a carboxyl group to specific glutamate (Glu) components to make γ-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla), which allows these Gla-containing enzymes to bind calcium (Booth, 1997)
  • Teeth and Jaws: builds tooth strength & jaw structure; may even rebuild secondary dentin to seal cavities from further decay
  • Brain and Nerves: K2-MK4 preferentially concentrated in the brain; involved in neural cell survival, sphingolipid synthesis, and myelination; activates Growth Arrest Specific Gene 6 (Gas6) and protein S; may protect from dementia and peripheral neuropathy (Booth et al., 2022; Ferland, 2012; Maresz, 2021)
  • Mitochondria: may act as electron carrier to maintain ATP production (Vos et al., 2012)
  • Blood Sugar: concentrated in pancreas and salivary glands; improves insulin sensitivity
  • Kidneys: remove calcium deposits and avoid kidney stones
  • Sex Hormones: osteocalcin activated by K2-MK4 assists sex hormone production
  • Vision: avoid calcification of blood vessels in the eyes (Richer, 2019)
  • Migraine with Aura: may relieve arterial stiffness present in those with migraines (Maresz, 2021)
  • Children: healthy bones, teeth, brain, and blood sugar; K2-MK4 may reduce risk of bone fractures and dental cavities; children enter adulthood with strong bones and teeth, sharp mind, and clean arteries

(Kresser, 2017; Masterjohn, 2007; Masterjohn, 2016; Rhéaume-Bleue, 2011; Schlinsog & Schlinsog, 2020.)

Hypotheses about Additional Benefits of K2-MK4

  • Circadian Rhythm and Spirit: The pineal gland produces melatonin for circadian rhythm regulation, produces N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) which may have spiritual benefits, and performs other functions some of which remain mysterious. The pineal gland has the highest calcification rate among all organs. (Tan et al., 2018). Could K2-MK4 activate proteins to decalcify the pineal gland?
  • Methylation and Vitamin B12: The transcobalamin receptor protein (also called CD320) requires calcium ions in its structure. Once those calcium ions are in place, CD320 can transport vitamin B12 into cells. (Alam et al., 2016). Could K2-MK4 be needed to place calcium ions into the CD320 protein, and thereby to enable cellular vitamin B12 function and methylation? If so, does the lack of K2-MK4 in vegan and vegetarian diets place people on those diets at additional risk of vitamin B12 deficiency if they don't take a K2-MK4 supplement?
  • Strontium and Barium Metabolism: Strontium and barium lie directly below calcium on the Periodic Table. Strontium and barium may substitute for calcium in many contexts. In tiny amounts, strontium (and maybe even barium) may help support calcium function. (Sasmor, 2022.) However, from hair mineral analysis, it seems that many people have excesses of strontium and barium, both in absolute amounts and also relative to calcium. When in excess, strontium and barium impair functions dependent on calcium, such as bone structure. If K2-MK4 were given without enough calcium relative to strontium and barium, would the K2-MK4 put strontium and barium into too many of calcium's places in the body, and thereby worsen strontium and barium toxicity? Could calcium be needed to detoxify strontium and barium, but unable to be utilized without K2-MK4? Does K2-MK4 help maintain balance among calcium, strontium, and barium?
  • Reveal and Address Slow Oxidation with Underlying Four Lows: Do many hair tissue mineral analyses (HTMAs) of slow oxidizers show an underlying four lows pattern, with a protective coating of biounavailable calcium that slows the metabolism, numbs the emotions, and fogs the spirit? Does widespread K2-MK4 deficiency cause both (1) four lows pattern, plus (2) the body's construction of a degree of a calcium shell around oneself? Is this calcium barrier a reason why vegans and vegetarians (who likely get little or no K2-MK4) feel better at first when they stop eating animal foods, as the emotions are numbed by the accumulating calcium shell? Will slow oxidizers (which is most people today) feel better to clear the calcium coating and reverse the underlying fatigue and depression of burnout:
    • by restoring K2-MK4 the Grass-Fed Vitamin,
    • putting calcium into the right places,
    • balancing the minerals at a deeper level, and
    • correcting the possible underlying four lows pattern?
  • The K2-Copper-Ceruloplasmin Connection: The copper-loaded enzyme ceruloplasmin serves as a ferroxidase to mobilize iron, an antioxidant to protect from ferrous iron, and as a multi-functional enzyme with additional functions still being discovered. Ceruloplasmin contains a calcium ion critical to its function.
    "The Ca2+ centre appears to be an integral component of the structure [of ceruloplasmin] and may play a role in the interactions of the [ceruloplasmin] protein with red blood cells."
    (Bento et al., 2007). Maybe K2-MK4 is needed to put the Ca2+ (calcium) ion in place and make functional ceruloplasmin? Vitamin A (retinol) regulates ceruloplasmin function (Barber & Cousins, 1987), so maybe a vitamin K2-dependent protein is involved? That is, maybe a vitamin K2-dependent protein chaperones the calcium ion required for assembly of ceruloplasmin? Maybe widespread copper-iron dysregulation relates, among many other factors, to the switch from grass-fed to grain-fed animals and the resulting widespread K2-MK4 (and also retinol-A) deficiency?

Why the MK4 Form of Vitamin K2?

  • MK-4 is the bioactive form of K2 that humans and animals use in our cells.
  • MK-4 is the form of K2 that's recycled efficiently by KVORC1 protein (Chatron et al., 2019).
  • MK-4 is the form of K2 that passes through the umbilical cord from mother to baby; others are blocked beyond the placenta (Hiraike et al., 1988).
  • MK-4 passes from mother to baby in breast milk (Thijssen et al., 2002).
  • MK-4 is the predominant form of vitamin K in the brain, supporting brain and nerve function (Booth et al., 2022; Ferland, 2012).
  • The brain and pancreas rapidly use and replenish MK-4, indicating active metabolism. (Ellis et al., 2022.)
  • MK-4 has high concentrations in endocrine and exocrine glands (thyroid, adrenal, testes, ovaries, pancreas, salivary, skin), as well as certain organs (brain, bone, lung), indicating important functions for MK-4. (Shearer, 2022.)
  • The MK-7 form, unlike MK-4, remains elevated in the blood after ingestion (Sato et al., 2020). This may mean a longer lasting effect, but may also mean the MK-7 is at least partly biounavailable, and may bioaccumulate.
  • Not everyone may efficiently convert the plant form of vitamin K (K1) and the bacterial fermentation form of vitamin K (K2 MK-7) into the bioactive form MK-4. Genetics, mineral balance, energy, and stress levels may be relevant factors.
  • When the conversion does work, MK-4 can be synthesized from other forms of vitamin K in many kinds of cells: macrophages, intestinal bacteria, kidneys, brain, intestinal lining, and endothelium. These cells all utilize the MK-4 form, which makes MK-4 important. (Kieronska-Rudek et al., 2021.)
  • K2-MK4 may be manufactured in the body from K1 or from other forms of K2 (e.g. MK7, MK9, etc.) or even from ingested K2-MK4. The process seems to involve cleavage of the vitamin K molecule's side chain in the intestines to form menadione (K3), then attachment of a geranylgeranyl group in the tissues to form K2-MK4. (Ellis et al., 2022.)
  • K2-MK4 probably has its own special functions:
    • Since both K1 and K2-MK4 have similar efficacy as cofactors to carboxylate vitamin K-dependent proteins (and other forms of K2 can fulfill this role too), the body's mechanism to convert various forms of vitamin K into K2-MK4 suggests that K2-MK4 alone has special functions unfilfilled by other forms of vitamin K. (Ellis et al., 2022.)
    • Or, perhaps in certain tissues, MK-4 is the only available vitamin K form for GGCX-mediated carboxylation. Or, the geranylgeranyl side chain in MK-4 may be required for vitamin K to exert direct effects such as modulation of gene expression and signal transduction. (Shearer, 2022.)
  • MK-4 and other short-chain forms of vitamin K may possess stronger anti-inflammatory activity than longer-chain forms such as MK-7 (Kieronska-Rudek et al., 2021).
  • Conversion of other forms of vitamin K into K2-MK4 may produce the somewhat toxic intermediary K3 (Ellis et al., 2022; Hirota et al., 2013; Shearer, 2022; Shearer & Newman 2014), which may strain detoxification for some people. Menadione (K3) has been called "a transport form [of vitamin K] in intestinal lymph and blood" (Shearer, 2022) or "technically a provitamin K" because it lacks activity itself as vitamin K until converted to another vitamin K form such as K2-MK4 (Ellis et al., 2022). However, the body's means of protecting from K3's cytotoxicity when K3 arises in conversion and transport remains unknown (Shearer, 2022).
  • Vitamin K2-MK4 is the predominant form of vitamin K in most tissues, and arises regardless of which form of vitamin K is supplemented, in healthy mice. Vitamin K2-MK4 is a preferred form of vitamin K. When Ellis et al. conducted research to compare the bioavailability of various forms of vitamin K, they were surprised instead to find that all the forms were being converted to K2-MK4. (Ellis et al., 2022.)
  • When the conversion processes work correctly, in mice, at least some of the K2-MK4 in diet is broken down into K3 and then remade into K2-MK4, by the same cleavage and assembly steps as for other forms of vitamin K. However, the ingested K2-MK4 still reaches at least the small intestine, the liver, and the adipose tissue. (Ellis et al., 2022.) In those with leaky gut and/or impaired conversion processes, the dietary K2-MK4 likely makes even more of a difference throughout the body.
  • Therefore, the surest bet for K2's health benefits is to consume the vitamin K2-MK4 bioactive form.

Weston A. Price's "Activator X"

  • Vitamin K2-MK4 is an Activator Vitamin because, along with the other Activators (retinol-A and semivitamin-D), vitamin K2-MK4 is needed to activate certain proteins made with the minerals and the water-soluble vitamins.
  • Vitamin K2-MK4 carboxylates certain proteins, called vitamin K-dependent proteins, which allows these proteins to bind calcium and perform their essential functions.
  • As early as the 1940's, Dr. Weston A. Price emphasized the fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, and a third unknown substance that Dr. Price called "Activator X", found in high concentration in butter oil from cows feeding on rapidly growing grass. These Activators made healthy teeth, jaws, and bodies for those eating traditional indigenous diets around the world. Modern diets, with 1/4 the amount of nutrients overall and less than 1/10 the amount of Activators, produced modern tooth decay, underformed jaw, and health concerns, Dr. Price found.
  • Meanwhile, around the same time, vitamin K1 was discovered, mainly utilized for blood coagulation. Vitamin K2 was thought to be a minor unimportant byproduct of K1 metabolism.
  • It was not until almost the year 2000 that K2's own critical functions came to be recognized (Booth, 1997; Suttie, 1995).
  • In 2007, Chris Masterjohn published On the Trail of the Elusive X-Factor: A Sixty-Two-Year-Old Mystery Finally Solved, identifying vitamin K2 as Weston A. Price's Activator X.
  • More recent research identifies additional functions of K2, and points toward MK4 as the preferred bioactive form of K2.

Why Haven't I Heard of K2-MK4 Before If It's So Important?

  • The importance of vitamin K2-MK4 is more recently discovered than the other vitamins.
  • K2-MK4 still hasn't been recognized as a separate nutrient by many authorities. It remains omitted from most nutrient databases, guidelines, multivitamins, and fortified foods.
  • High-fat, grass-fed animal foods are the best sources of K2-MK4, as discussed more below. The replacement of pastured animal farming with grain feeding means that most people in developed nations are deficient in K2-MK4.
  • K2-MK4 deficiency symptoms develop slowly. It may take decades to notice changes in heart and bone health, such as arterial congestion and bone decay.
  • K2-MK4 deficiency may pass congentially to newborns, whose parents may not be aware that impaired growth of teeth, jaw, and bones, or poor immunity, may relate to deficiency of the Grass-Fed Vitamin.
  • Low-fat diets leave us deficient in the crucial fat-soluble Activator vitamins (retinol-A, D, and K2-MK4).
  • The richest sources of K2-MK4 are exactly those foods that mainstream nutrition until now has shunned: pastured fatty meats, grass-fed butter, egg yolks, cheeses, and even goose liver — as well as one traditional food discovered to be the densest K2-MK4 source: emu oil (VitaK BV, 2015).
  • These are the reasons why you may not have heard of K2-MK4 before, and also why it's especially important for you to take action to restore the missing K2-MK4 in your daily diet.

Taking Action to Obtain Vitamin K2-MK4 from Grass-Fed Animal Foods

  • First, and most importantly, whenever possible, please make sure the animal foods you eat come from pasture-raised or grass-fed sources.
  • Many remedies designed to address heart and bone health actually block recycling of K2-MK4 in the cells, and thus make bone and heart problems worse, at least in one important way. Check if your remedies affect vitamin K metabolism. They may mention vitamin K on the label or instructions, or you may need to ask your doctor.
  • K2-MK4 is needed to utilize calcium and vitamin D. Calcium and/or vitamin D, from supplements, can worsen K2-MK4 deficiency. Without K2-MK4, calcium is likely to accumulate in all the wrong places.
  • The most popular "vitamin K2" supplement is K2-MK7, which requires a conversion in the body to K2-MK4. Some people may not perform this conversion very well.
  • Instead of isolated K2 supplements, you can add more of K2-MK4 the Grass-Fed Vitamin in the natural food-based form of Walkabout Australian emu oil.

Am I Getting Enough K2-MK4?

K2-MK4 is found mainly in high-fat, grass-fed, animal foods.

  • Diet: Are you eating a variety of the high-K2-MK4 foods, at least two to three servings a day? Foods include:
    • grass-fed meat and fats
    • dark meat chicken
    • egg yolks
    • certain cheeses, including Dutch Gouda, Edam, and Maasdam; Norwegian Jarlsberg; French Brie, Roquefort, and Münster; British Stilton; Italian Gorgonzola; and Swiss Emmenthal
    • Walkabout brand Australian emu oil
    • goose liver
  • Grass-Fed Sources: Are your animal products coming from grass-fed or pasture-raised sources? When animals eat grass, they convert some K1 in grass into K2-MK4 animal bioactive form. Grass-fed and responsibly raised animal foods may contain many times more K2-MK4 than grain-fed animal foods (and many times more of other nutrients too!). Seek higher quality animal foods from local, conscious, and regenerative farmers.
  • Poultry K3 Fortification: In some countries, chickens are supplemented with vitamin K in the K3 form (Walther et al., 2013). Though this form is banned for human supplementation in the USA due to possible liver toxicity, it's allowed for chickens. The chickens eating K3-fortified feed convert some into K2-MK4. (But do they also still contain some unconverted K3?) Therefore, the eggs and dark meat of some industrially farmed chickens are high in K2-MK4. Measurements in chicken and eggs vary widely, so it's hard to know what you're getting. It may be better not to rely on chicken and eggs as your only K2 source. Note that chicken breast seems to contain very little K2-MK4.

How Much K2-MK4 Do I Need?

  • Common recommendations for K2 (including MK-4 and other forms) are 100 to 200 micrograms per day and sometimes more (Kresser 2017 & 2019; Masterjohn 2016 & 2019; Mercola 2022; Rhéaume-Bleue 2016).
  • However, there are very limited data at this time about actual K2 content of foods.
  • Foods seem to vary widely in K2 content for the same type of food (Walther et al., 2013). Grass-fed sourcing and poultry K3 fortification are factors that drastically affect content.
  • Because there isn't yet sufficient numerical data available about food K2-MK4 content to make a recommendation of an absolute amount of K2-MK4, eat 2 to 3 servings a day of foods high in K2-MK4.
  • A small amount of K2-MK4 (a few micrograms) usually seems to be enough, but is needed more than once daily, preferably with almost every meal. 1/4 to 1/2 tsp emu oil may be the easiest way to do this, at any meal when you are not otherwise eating grass-fed or pasture-raised fatty animal foods.
  • MinBalance mineral balancing programs suggest the food with the highest known concentration of K2-MK4 — Walkabout brand Australian Emu Oil from emus raised in the traditional way.

How to Eat Emu Oil?

  • Emu oil has a mild, pleasant taste.
  • Emu oil may be eaten mixed with cod liver oil and other Activator-rich foods in Activator Goo recipe, similar to Dr. Weston A. Price's famous oil mixture.
  • Emu oil is delicious as a topping on meats, eggs, sardines, or cooked vegetables.
  • Add after cooking, and just before eating.
  • Shake emu oil well before use.
  • Store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.

What About K2 Supplements?

  • Avoid MK-7 Supplements on a Mineral Balancing Program. The most popular vitamin K2 supplements are in MK-7 form, made from natto (fermented soybeans) or chickpeas. MK-7 supplements may have benefits (and may be far better than no vitamin K2 source at all). However, I'd recommend against these MK-7 supplements for those following mineral balancing programs. As noted above, MK-7 isn't the bioactive form, and requires conversion in the body. Some or many people may not perform this conversion well, and the MK-7 may accumulate. Therefore, MK-7 is far more likely than MK-4 to cause imbalances with other nutrients in the body.
  • Food Sources of MK-7 are Encouraged. Traditional sources of MK-7 include fermented whole foods (especially natto), some cheeses, and grass-fed liver. The natural amounts in these foods occur together with co-nutrients, and are less likely than supplements to cause any imbalances. Natural food-based sources of MK-7 provide a backup supply of MK-4 for those whose bodies make the conversion effectively from MK-7 to MK-4.
  • Caution with MK-4 Supplements. MK-4 supplement is usually synthetically derived from a component of geranium or tobacco. MK-4, when given as a supplement, usually is given in orthomolecular amounts in the range of milligrams — amounts much larger than usual dietary consumption. These larger amounts may cause imbalances with other nutrients. Instead, we can get the K2-MK4 in natural amounts, with nutrient cofactors present in food. To keep balance with other nutrients, avoid isolated K2-MK4, and choose instead grass-fed animal foods and fats.
  • K2 Requires Balance with Vitamins A and D. At amounts of K2 of 100 micrograms or greater, such as amounts found in K2 supplements, imbalances of vitamins A and D are likely to occur and worsen. To avoid imbalances, it's better to obtain A, D, and K2-MK4 from natural sources.
  • Food More Potent than Supplements for K2-MK4. A few years ago, when a few others and I first learned about Vitamin K2-MK4 the Grass-Fed Vitamin, we were initially expecting to use K2-MK4 supplements. But to our surprise, we found emu oil containing 10 to 20 micrograms of K2-MK4 to be more potent than 1 milligram (1000 micrograms) of synthetic K2-MK4. The emu oil produced a greater sense of well-being, based on repeated observations by several people. Our experience matches Chris Masterjohn's suggestion from research data that food-based K2 may be much more powerful than supplements.

What About Duck, Goose, or Chicken Fat?

In the vitamin K2-MK4 testing performed by VitaK for Weston A. Price Foundation (VitaK BV, 2015), after emu oil scored highest, duck fat from free-range ducks took second place:

Summary of Vitamin K2-MK4 Results, by Food Category, from VitaK Testing Performed by Weston A. Price Foundation
Food # Measurements Average K2-MK4 Density, in mcg/g, Average (Range)
Emu Oil 2 4.2 (3.9 - 4.4)
Duck Fat, Free range 2 1.2 (1.2 - 1.2)
Butter Oil 8 0.36 (0.20 - 0.82)
Egg Yolks 6 0.33 (0.30 - 0.35)
Ghee 4 0.32 (0.27 - 0.37)
Lard 4 0.17 (0.13 - 0.21)
Butter 16 0.16 (0.090 - 0.24)
Cheese 16 0.084 (0.035 - 0.18)
Tallow 4 0.070 (0.051 - 0.096)
Chicken liver 4 0.068 (0.033 - 0.11)
Cod liver oil 6 0.067 (0.0017 - 0.20)
Seafood (oysters, shrimp, salmon roe, whitefish roe) 8 0.0015 (0.00015 - 0.0043)
Source: VitaK BV, 2015. For differences within each category among conventional, organic, free-range, and different brands, see original results.

Duck fat contained just over 1/4 as much K2-MK4 as emu oil did, by density. Interestingly, duck fat is much less expensive than emu oil, making it feasible to eat duck fat by the tablespoon, in amounts more than 4 times as large as emu oil.

But where is the K2-MK4 in the duck fat coming from? Are the ducks eating grass, or supplementing K3 like the chickens do sometimes? No specific product data is given in the results.

Duck fat probably is highly variable in K2-MK4 content depending on grass feeding and K3 supplementation of ducks. Similar results might be expected for other poultry fats such as chicken fat and goose fat.

Duck, goose, and chicken fats are delicious, but also may contain enough PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) that some people may want to limit consumption. However, these fats have the advantage that if the birds are fed grass or supplemented with vitamin K3, the fat will be rich in K2-MK4 the Grass-Fed Vitamin.

Depending on grass feeding and poultry K3 supplementation, some duck, goose, and chicken fats may be additional excellent sources of K2-MK4, but not as clear or reliable as emu oil.

How K2-MK4 Helps Balance Your Minerals

Is K2-MK4 a "Yin" or a "Yang" Vitamin?

Vitamin K2-MK4 is a very "yang" vitamin, in traditional Chinese and macrobiotic terms, and in the terminology of Dr. Larry Wilson (2021). "Yang" in this context means warm, stabilizing, and grounding. K2-MK4 is a more yang vitamin because it is fat-soluble, and comes from animal sources raised in a natural way. K2-MK4 tends to stabilize the calcium in the body, and oppose the "yin" condition of calcification of the soft tissues.

In contrast, K1 and K2-MK7 are more "yin" forms of vitamin K. "Yin" in this context means cooler, destabilizing, or more chaotic. K1 and K2-MK7 are more yin because they are derived from plants (K1) or from bacterial fermentation (K2-MK7). They require conversion steps in one's body to make K2-MK4, and they may accumulate if those conversion steps aren't functioning properly. Therefore, K1 and K2-MK7 are more likely than K2-MK4 to induce imbalances with other nutrients.

Like other isolated nutrients, K2-MK4 can become "yin" and induce nutrient imbalances if given as a synthetic supplement in unneeded megadoses. However, in appropriate food-based amounts, yang vitamins like K2-MK4 are much needed today to upgrade our bodies.

Fast Oxidation, Slow Oxidation, and Calcium Shell: How Does Vitamin K2-MK4 Affect Mineral Balance?

Due to its more recent discovery, the role in mineral balancing of Vitamin K2-MK4, the Grass-Fed Vitamin, has been explored much less than other vitamins and minerals. Here are some initial observations and hypotheses:

  • Vitamin K2-MK4 activates proteins to direct calcium to the right places (like bones) and remove calcium from the wrong places (like arteries).
  • Without enough K2-MK4, calcium will be deficient where needed AND calcium will accumulate where harmful.
  • Therefore, K2-MK4 deficiency may be a primary factor associated with either fast oxidation or slow oxidation, depending on which cascade of mineral changes occurs in an individual:
    • In fast oxidation:
      • Vitamin K2-MK4 deficiency results in insufficient utilization of calcium.
      • Calcium levels appear low on a hair mineral analysis.
      • Magnesium and copper levels fall together with the calcium levels.
      • Without sufficient copper, iron gets stuck in the tissues, causing oxidative stress.
      • Thus, K2-MK4 deficiency in fast oxidizers induces or associates with a deficiency of calcium, magnesium, and copper.
    • In slow oxidation:
      • Vitamin K2-MK4 deficiency results in an accumulation of biounavailable calcium and calcification of the soft tissues.
      • Calcium rises on a hair mineral analysis, reflecting biounavailable calcium.
      • Magnesium level may rise on the hair test, even if magnesium remains deficient or biounavailable.
      • Sodium and potassium levels fall.
      • Copper becomes biounavailble, making iron again get stuck in the tissues, causing oxidative stress.
      • Thus, K2-MK4 deficiency in slow oxidizers induces or associates with a deficiency of BIOAVAILABLE calcium, magnesium, and copper.
    • To a degree, both phenomena may occur in the same person: K2-MK4 deficiency may induce both deficiency of bioavailable calcium and overload of biounavailable calcium.
    • Vitamin K2-MK4 deficiency may be a primary cause of soft tissue calcification, lack of bioavailable copper, iron overload, and four lows mineral patterns. The switch, a few decades ago, from grass to grain feeding of farm animals may now be resulting in far more widespread imbalanced oxidation and copper-iron dysregulation.
  • Sufficient K2-MK4 seems needed to restore calcium balance.

Application of Emu Oil and Other K2-MK4 Sources in Mineral Balancing

  • Restoring K2-MK4 with emu oil or other high-fat, grass-fed animal foods may result in an elimination of biounavailable calcium, followed by a drop in the elevated hair calcium level of slow oxidizers.
  • Vitamin K2-MK4 from emu oil may rapidly clear a calcium shell. Watch for a flood of emotions as the calcium shell clears.
  • Fast oxidizers with a low hair calcium level usually benefit especially from a low-dose calcium supplement. See Bone and Ocean recipe for a suggested source from grass-fed bone meal powder. The bone supplement would be in addition to dietary sources of vitamin K2-MK4, such as emu oil, to help boost bioavailable calcium levels.
  • The Diet for Minerals on this website recommends choosing pastured or grass-fed sources for all animal products. Still, the mineral balancing diet without emu oil seems to lack enough K2-MK4, at least for many people, depending on food sourcing and on bioindividual ability to manufacture K2-MK4 from K1 in vegetables. The biochemical stress of the modern world may increase our needs for K2-MK4.
  • Consider adding Walkabout Emu Oil to your mineral balancing program to ensure sufficient K2-MK4.
  • The recommended emu oil dosage is 1/4 to 1/2 tsp, 2 to 3 times daily, with food.
  • Emu oil may be mixed into the Activator Goo recipe.
  • Initial reports from those taking the emu oil include improved vision, teeth, circadian rhythm, and general sense of well-being.
  • Please start slowly with the emu oil and increase the amount gradually. If you experience sensitive reactions to emu oil, please pause or decrease the amount.
  • For those with a layer of calcium deposits in the soft tissues, removing that calcium may rapidly increase energy and lead to a cleanup of stored toxins. More energy may also reveal buried emotions, traumas, and memories, which you are now ready to resolve.

K2 Turns on the Lights, So Be Careful to Balance Other Nutrients

  • K2 activates the vitamin A and D signalled proteins, which in turn require the water-soluble vitamins and minerals.
  • Thus, all the Activators — A, D, and K2-MK4 — are needed, in balance, to enjoy the benefits of the improvements you're making in other nutrients.
  • If you turn on the lights with K2-MK4 while building the solid, sturdy foundation of an entirely balanced mineral system, you will shine the lights on your beautiful new construction.
  • However, if you turn on the lights with K2-MK4 but don't pay attention to other nutrients, you will shine the lights on your other existing issues.
  • This is why we include Vitamin K2-MK4 the Grass-Fed Vitamin as part of your complete personalized mineral balancing program. Your MinBalance program will include appropriate sources of vitamins A, D, and K2-MK4 from ancestral organic whole foods, food-based supplements, and sun, in balance with natural sources of all the other vitamins and minerals, personalized to your body.


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