Mineral Balancing: What, How, and Why?

by Jon Sasmor RCPC (Mineral Guide, MinBalance LLC)
Updated October 24, 2021

What is Mineral Balancing?

Mineral balancing is a natural method of personalized nutrition and lifestyle. It seeks to optimize the balance of minerals in your cells.

When your cellular minerals come into balance, your energy increases, your stress level reduces, and you can achieve "Optimum You"!

There's an extensive scientific tradition of mineral balancing. You can find more info in the article series Giants of Mineral Balancing Science.

People say mineral balancing works when nothing else has worked. Mineral balancing helps them advance beyond persistent physical obstacles, develop mind and spirit, and enhance performance in all areas of life. This has been the case for me.

How to Balance Minerals?

Mineral balancing assesses energy levels and stress response based on:

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), and,
  • the Root Cause Protocol blood tests.

A hair tissue mineral analysis provides a gentle method and reliable data about cellular mineral balance.

Cellular processes use minerals to unlock enzyme function.

Hair contains minerals, in patterns reflecting cellular mineral content. Hair shows us, through the mineral levels and ratios, the metabolic processes happening in cells throughout the body.

For a better assessment of copper-iron-magnesium status, we also recommend the Root Cause Protocol blood tests.

The Root Cause Protocol blood tests help us triangulate:

  • magnesium status,
  • retinol-A status,
  • copper functionality, and
  • how well iron is moving oxygen around.

Together, the HTMA and the RCP blood tests reveal your mineral patterns and imbalances.

Then MinBalance helps you implement the Root Cause Protocol to address imbalances and make you feel better in mind, body, and spirit.

Why Mineral Balancing?

Why minerals? Minerals unlock, signal, and manage biochemical processes. The crucial roles of minerals include oxygen delivery, energy-making, enzymes, and neutralization of free radicals and toxins.

Magnesium, copper, and iron are among the most important minerals. Minerals make us work as human beings, which is why they are the "root cause" of many people's concerns.

Why balance? Minerals need balance with each other to work well. Absolute amounts of minerals don't always indicate feeling better. Laboratory reference ranges often leave us far from the ideal values and ratios.

Copper-iron dysregulation may be the most common undetected mineral imbalance.

When our entire mineral system restores balance, our stress level goes down and our energy level goes up. We usually can feel that restored mineral balance, expressed as many improvements to mind, body, and spirit.