Stop Internal Pollution!

by Jon Sasmor RCPC (Mineral Guide, MinBalance LLC)
Updated January 4, 2025

Let's call the biome of cells inside you an "environment" — your internal environment.

Can we keep adding foods that aren't natural foods, water that isn't natural water, air that isn't natural air, electromagnetic signals, chemicals, injections, and so on, without experiencing effects that look like pollution? We may see these effects as health conditions, fatigue, weakness, susceptibility, or illness, but "internal pollution" may describe our situation better.

As usual with pollution, it's difficult to pin the effects to a single pollutant source. Yet, all the unnatural things going into us add up and affect us!

What does your intuition say? Could the foods we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, electromagnetism, chemicals, injections, etc., matter as pollutants?

Pollution makes exponentially increasing, hockey-stick-shaped graphs of its damage — both in our external environments (air, water, ecology) and in our internal environments (human health conditions). We can change the graphs by managing pollution. For our internal environment, we can do that personally for ourselves.

In some ways (but not others), we've made substantial progress in cleaning up the earth since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. We can make similar substantial progress in cleaning up our bodies — the internal enviroment inside us!

Like pollution of the external environment, we can't go back entirely from internal pollution, because we benefit from the pollutant technologies in many ways.

The key step is to recognize pollution as pollution and decide to take action to cut pollution inside you. You have the freedom to do so yourself. You can become more resilient and strong by stopping polluting yourself.

Mineral balancing with ancestral ways of eating and lifestyle can revitalize your internal environment. MinBalance website and mineral balance personalized consults are here to help you clean up your internal environment, restore Nature inside yourself, and live a happier healthier and wonderful life!